Towards UHECR measurements from Earth orbit

Speaker and affiliation: 
Dr. Lech Wiktor Piotrowski (RIKEN, Wako, Tokyo)
Thu, 2017-10-26 11:30
Cosmic Ray Physics Lab, NCBJ Astrophysics Division, 69C, 28 Pułku Strzelców Kaniowskich str., Lodz

It is an extremely difficult task to identify sources of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHERC) since the flux of rays arriving to Earth is very weak. It is hoped that observations of fluorescence light emitted by cascades of particles generated by the rays interacting with the Earth atmosphere might be a solution. Such observations are the principal objective of the planned JEM-EUSO space mission.

Preparations for the mission are quite advanced: two preparatory balloon experiments and one ground test have already been run. The obtained results and conclusions emerging from these tests as well as topics related to data analysis and plans for the future will be presented.

The seminar will be transmitted to room 118 in NCBJ pavilion at 69 Hoża str. in Warsaw. Besides, the transmission will be available via Internet on the Vidyo platform, the relevant Internet address may be obtained via email from Dr. Jacek Szabelski

All interested persons are invited
Jacek Szabelski

