New results in the MAGIC project

Speaker and affiliation: 
DSc. Dorota Sobczyńska, Lodz University
Tue, 2017-11-21 12:30
Cosmic Ray Physics Lab, NCBJ Astrophysics Division, 69C, 28 Pułku Strzelców Kaniowskich str., Lodz

Both the technique used to measure high-energy cosmic-rays, as well as some selected results of observations of the skies made in the TeV energy range within a few recent years will be presented. The results include:
•    Existing pulsar models have been negatively verified in view of the discovered periodic emission in the energy range up to 1.5 TeV from some source located in the Crab Nebula.
•    Observations of the CasA supernovae have indicated that it was not a PeVatron, what we’d hoped.
•    Signal coming from the so far most distant gamma source has been identified with the help of the gravitational lensing phenomenon (red shift z~1).

All interested persons are invited
Jacek Szabelski
