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Seminar archive

Popular lecture - Free electron lasers

Zastosowanie laserowej tomografii zmodyfikowanych żeli polimerowych z nośnikami boru do wielowymiarowego obrazowania rozkładów dawek, LET i wielkości nanodozymetrycznych w BNCT.

Development of the Active Radiation Monitoring System of the LHCb Experiment at CERN

Analysis of the possibility of using supercritical CO2 in high temperature reactors

CMB-lensing in an anisotropic Universe

Dark matter protected by the CP symmetry and its evolution in the early Universe

Role of gas fraction and star formation efficiency in galaxy quenching

3D view on Cosmic Baryon cycle

State of the art of innovative reactors based on the 2019 Frédéric Joliot / Otto Hahn Summer School on Nuclear Reactors

Quantization of General Relativity
