French Orders for scientists from NCBJ

On Monday, June 11, the Ambassador of the French Republic in Poland, His Excellency Mr. Pierre Lévy, honored four NCBJ employees with Order of Academic Palms. The award is an expression of recognition for merits awarded to the development of scientific cooperation between France and Poland. The persons honored are: Prof. Grzegorz Wrochna, Mr. Tomasz Jackowski, Prof. Jacek Jagielski and Prof. Krzysztof Kurek.

Speech given during the ceremony by the Ambassador Pierre Lévy



Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to the residence of French Embassy. We gathered this evening to acknowledge four people for their commitment to strengthening scientific cooperation between France and Poland. The awarded orders are recognition of their contribution to development of the French-Polish partnership in the field of nuclear research.

The honorary title of Academic Palms Was established by the Emperor Napoleon decree in 1808, while the Order of Academic Palms Was established in 1955. It is awarded to people who, while operating at universities or – more generally – in the field of science, contribute to culture promotion in the world.

Before I award you the orders, as it is customarily, I will briefly recount your achievements for which the French authorities decided to recognize each one of you.

I am addressing Professor Grzegorz Wrochna,

You were born in Radom, graduated in physics from the Warsaw University, where you began a scientific and didactic career at the Institute of Experimental Physics. Years later you took over as the head of the Institute for Nuclear Problems in Świerk. Through your entire scientific and research career, you have worked on development of French-Polish cooperation, for which you are today honored.

As the director of the National Center for Nuclear Research, you promoted cooperation with the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and contributed to construction of the European Sustainable Nuclear Technology Platform (SNETP).

I will be able to mention all bilateral projects that you have successfully led, but I would like to draw our audience’s attention to the fact that many of them have been implemented under European framework, particularly within the EURATOM program framework. As a specific example, I would like to remind you that you have contributed, together with CEA, to development of research reactors in Europe, one of each Was Jules Horowitz research reactor in Cadarache. In this particular area, as in many others, we commonly run our activities together at the European level and Europe is our common goal.

Since July 2016, you are the chairman of the HTR Committee (high-temperature reactors), which contributes to development of nuclear technologies for production of heat, while utilizing French achievements in this area.

The order I award to you is an expression of our appreciation for your willingness to share knowledge and skills with French partners and for excellent knowledge of French institutions. You are one of the important cooperation partners between France and Poland, which our embassy is privileged to support.


Grzegorz Wrochna, au nom du ministre de l’Education nationale, je vous remets les insignes de commandeur dans l’ordre des Palmes académiques.


Grzegorz Wrochna, on behalf of the Minister of National Education, I award you the Commander insignia of the Order of Academic Palms.


I am now addressing Mr. Tomasz Jackowski,

You were born in Warsaw and graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology. From the beginning of your professional career you established cooperation with France in the field of energy. Research work in France has solidified this relationship. Throughout years of your professional career you have had an opportunity to use your expertise in wide range of fields, from nuclear industry to nuclear medicine sector as well in energy related governmental agencies. Your professional path has also led you to the National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ).

You have been actively in developing French-Polish cooperation in the nuclear energy field and you have been involved in cooperation at the European level, where you also met your French colleagues. Significant contribution to work of the European Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP), especially within working group on cogeneration have been made by you as well.

You speak perfectly French, you are a friend of France and you have repeatedly proven your deep commitment to strengthening scientific and technical cooperation between France and Poland. Currently you are working and living alternately in both our countries and you are the embodiment of our cultural closeness and French-Polish friendship.

Tomasz Jackowski, au nom du ministre de l’Education nationale, je vous remets les insignes d’officier dans l’ordre des Palmes académiques.

Tomasz Jackowski, on behalf of the minister of national education, I award you the Officer insignia of the Order of Academic Palms.

I am now addressing Professor Jacek Jagielski.

You were also born in Warsaw and you also graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology. You started your academic career at the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology. Currently you work at the National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ).

You specialize in materials physics and you often publish works in cooperation with French colleagues. Your actions have always served the purpose of enriching relations between our countries: I would like to express my appreciation for the projects you have carried out together with French scientists and institutes, especially with the CEA branches in Cadarache and Saclay.

You were a promoter of PhD dissertations prepared under the „co-tutelle” program. Currently, you are engaged in a project to create a Center of Excellence in Multifunctional Materials for Industrial and Medical Applications (NOMATEN). You cooperate mainly with the French Center de Sciences Nucléaires et de Sciences de la Matière d’Orsay, with the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lyon and with Universities of LYON 1, Evry-Val d’Essonne and the Ecole Polytechnique.

You lived in France for many years, you speak French well and you have repeatedly proved your commitment to strengthening ties between France and Poland. You are the main partner of teams working on nuclear research at the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).

Jacek Jagielski, au nom du ministre de l’Education nationale, je vous remets les insignes d’officier dans l’ordre des Palmes académiques.

Jack Jagielski, on behalf of the minister of national education, I award you the Officer

insignia of the Order of Academic Palms.

I am now addressing Director, Mr. Krzysztof Kurek,

You come from Szczecin, but you moved to Warsaw to study at the Warsaw University of Technology. You are one more active participant in cooperation with France who graduated from this university.

You have made a significant contribution to development of relations between the National Center for Nuclear Research and France, mainly thanks to the PhD dissertations prepared in co-promotion. They contributed to strengthening ties connecting our countries in scientific and technical fields. As the Director General of the Centre, you are the main and valued partner for the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).

Your academic achievements are substantial and you have numerous publications. As an outstanding scientist you have been a member of many scientific committees, frequently participating in them as a subject matter expert.

You have made a huge contribution to development of French-Polish scientific cooperation, and you are constantly supporting it. You are and will continue to be an important partner of our embassy.

Krzysztof Kurek, au nom du ministre de l’Education nationale, je vous remets les insignes d’officier dans l’ordre des Palmes académiques.

Krzysztof Kurek, on behalf of the minister of national education, I award you the Officer insignia of the Order of Academic Palms.

Professor Grzegorz Wrochna awarded the Commander insignia of the Order of Academic Palms (photo: Embassy of the French Republic in Warsaw)
Professor Jacek Jagielski awarded by the Ambassador of the French Republic to the officer's order of the Palm Academies (photo: Embassy of the French Republic in Warsaw)
Ambassador of the French Republic and four scientists from NCBJ decorated with Order of the Palm Academies (photo: Embassy of the French Republic in Warsaw)