5th anniversary of events in Fukushima nuclear power plant. Get the facts

11 marca br, jest piąta rocznica tragicznych wydarzeń w Japonii, trzęsienia ziemi, fal tsunami oraz awarii elektrowni jądrowej Fukushima-Daiichi. Poznaj prawdę o tych wydarzeniach.

Earthquake followed by tsunami that occurred on March 11, 2011 – five years ago – brought some disastrous consequences in Japan, including a catastrophe in the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant.

Even as much as 5 years has passed since the catastrophe, many false information are still vivid among the public, and some misstatements circulating the media are still negatively influencing the entire nuclear power industry.

Therefore we have launched the "Fukushima. Get the facts" campaign targeted at wide audience. See the www.faktyfukushima.pl Webpage (in Polish) and the Facebook profile.
